Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Discussion 15: Feedback

Discussion 15

Q Introduction For this last discussion board, I would like to get some feedback from you on the class. I try different things each semester in an effort to improve my classes based on my students' feedback, and would love to hear from you about what worked and ways that I can make the online learning experience better. Thank you! Tasks For this module, you are not required to provide feedback to your peers' posts, just focus on answering the questions below. The more information you can provide, the better. 1. Each module, you were presented with different ways of learning about the session topic. We had readings from the text as well as online articles, different kinds of videos, podcasts, and powerpoint slides. Which ways of learning worked best for you? Are there other types of materials that would have also been helpful? 2. In an effort to personalize the online classroom, I tried several things: the "Where I am From" poem at the beginning of the semester, the videos of myself introducing each session's topic, varying the discussion forums to include photos, videos, art, etc. In what ways, if any, did any of these things enhance your experience in this class? What other ideas do you have for personalizing the online classroom? 3. I try to vary my assessment (testing) methods so that regardless of your strengths as a student, you have an opportunity to excel. This course contains many "short" assignments (quizzes and discussion boards) , and one paper so that students have a variety of opportunities to earn points in the class. How did the grading structure work for you? What, if anything, would you change?

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I enjoyed learning through each of the mediums provided in this course. I think each of them contributed in its own way to my overall learning process. I found the engaging nature of them. This course allowed me to be creative and learn at the same time. I never thought that I can write a poem. The "Out of Comfort Zone Paper" allowed me to experience something new. I do not think there could be any better ways of teaching through online classrooms. This class was collaborative and also it had individual freedom.